Becoming a client
If there is more than one designated person in charge of sales at your firm, we suggest you use the "Organisme et personne chargée de la vente" (Body and person in charge of the sale) account to allow for two or more people to share information. If you are the sole person in charge of sales at your firm, you should select "Personne chargée de la vente" (Person in charge of the sale). In both cases, you will still be able to add the names of persons who may file notices on behalf of the person in charge of the sale.
The "Personnel administratif" (Administrative personnel) account is used to prepare notices for the person in charge of the sale. The account cannot be used to act as a person in charge of the sale. Only the person in charge of the sale can apply for a "Personnel administratif" account.
To change your credit card details, you must access your client account by clicking "accès client" (Client access). From your service basket, click "Gérer mon compte" (Manage my account). In the section "paiement" (payment), click the pencil icon next to your existing credit card number, and then enter the new information.
If the credit card details are in an organization's account, only the representative can make the change.
Preparing notices of sale
You must first open a “dossier de vente” (sale file)and provide all the relevant information (general information, property to be sold, attached photos and files, if any). The "Activité de vente" (Sale) tab can then be used to prepare all the notices pertaining to that sale.
After describing each item of property, press the "Tab" key on the keyboard, followed by "Enter". The item will be transferred to the right-hand column and the cursor will return to the "Description" section, where you can enter the description of the next item.
Under the "Biens" (Property) tab of the “dossier de vente” (sale file), select the list of property and then click the printer icon.
You can attach up to 20 photographs to a “dossier de vente” (sale file). The maximum allowed picture size is 5 MB. When the size exceeds 5 MB, the system automatically parks the photograph in the excluded section.
A file can be attached to a sale only if the sale is conducted by way of a call for tenders. The document attached will constitute the call for tenders.
Simply click "Rétablir" (Restore) at the bottom of the page. All the information will revert to the latest published version.
No. The date of a sale by agreement can be added only to the notice of completed sale, in other words once the sale has taken place.
Once a notice of sale has been published, a receipt will be placed in the digital mailbox of the person in charge of the sale, or that person's representative. The publication date and reference number of the notice of sale will be indicated on the receipt. The receipt and the detail provided in the notice of sale (PDF document) can be used to prove that the notice of sale was published on a specific date.
The date of publication of the notice also appears when the register is consulted, at the bottom of the page to the right of the PDF file.
If, when you validate or send a notice, an error message appears in red, you must correct the situation before the notice can be published in the register. If the error message is in blue, you must check that your information is accurate, but you can still publish the notice.
Preparing other notices
Starting from the publication showing your sale:
- Change the statut de l’activité de vente (status of the sale) by selecting a status from the drop-down menu:
- Effectuée (Completed): the sale has taken place and at least one item of property has been sold;
- Non-vente (Non-sale): no property has been sold;
- Suspendue (Stayed): the property is no longer for sale, but may possibly be made available for sale as part of the same sale;
- Levée de la suspension (Stay lifted): the status reverts to "En cours" (In progress);
- Supprimée (Deleted): the sale is cancelled.
- Change the status of the property to match the status of the sale;
- Click "Enregistrer" (Save), and then "Transmettre" (Submit) at the bottom of the page.
The notice of stay and the lifting of a stay may be partial; if this is the case, only the status of the property concerned needs to be changed.
The publication of a notice of lifting of stay is only possible if the sale may take place within the time period that was set in the original notice of sale (the date has not yet passed). Otherwise, the publication of a new notice of sale is required. The way to publish the notice will depend on the status of the sale:
- If the status of the sale is "Suspendue" (Stayed), replace it by "En cours" (In progress) and modify the status of the relevant property to "À vendre" (For sale);
- If the status of the sale is "En cours" (In progress), modify the status of the relevant property from "En suspens" (Suspended) to "À vendre" (For sale).
Click "Enregistrer" (Save) then "Transmettre" (Submit) at the bottom of the page.
This requires the publication of the following, in the order indicated:
- a notice of lifting of a stay, returning the status of the sale to "En cours" (In progress) and the status of the property to "À vendre" (For sale). When the request is submitted, a message will state that it is not possible to change the status to "En cours" (In progress) while having property marked "À vendre" (For sale) in a lapsed sale. This message should be ignored;
- a notice of non-sale, by indicating the status of the property as "Non vendu" (Not sold);
- a new notice of sale by auction. The list of property will become available.
For a sale involving a single item of property, it is preferable to describe the item in the “dossier de vente” (sale file), in order to publish a new notice of sale.
Yes. When not all the immovable property is sold, a notice of completed sale should be published and the status "Non vendu" (Not sold) should be indicated in the description of each item of immovable property that has not been sold. If an item of immovable property must then be identified in a new notice of sale, it is preferable to contact client services.
It is used to correct or update previously published notices of sale or notices of completed sales.
For a notice of sale, the following elements can be modified: charges and terms and conditions of the sale, court record number, debtor or creditor name, property category, reserve price, photographs of property, name and contact information of the person conducting the sale or person to contact to obtain information on the sale, content under the heading "Autres mentions utiles" (Other references) and information on the submission of a tender in a notice of sale through a call for tenders.
For a notice of completed sale, the following elements may be modified: the fact that an item of property has been sold or not, the sale price and the content of the heading "Autres mentions utiles" (Other references).
To change the name and contact information for the person in charge of the sale, it is necessary to contact client services. If the exercise of a hypothecary right is involved, a copy of the judgment authorizing a change of person in charge of the sale will be required.
No. The date cannot be changed once the notice of sale has been published. Instead, a notice of non-sale must be published and the status must be changed to "Non vendu" (Not sold). A new notice of sale can then be published with the correct date.
No. The person in charge of the sale must determine if the erroneous description is likely to compromise the validity of the sale and if it requires the publication of a new notice of sale (fee applicable). Example: address of the immovable property.
However, the heading "situation des biens" (Situation of property) can be modified.
No. It is not possible to add property to a sale once the notice of sale has been published. You must publish a new notice of sale.
In the "Information générale" (General information) section of the “dossier de vente” (sale file), the name of the creditor or debtor can be added by clicking on the sign to the right of the relevant list. The court record number is always linked to the creditor. If there is more than one court record number for the same creditor, the creditor must be designated for each court record number.
If the notice of sale has already been published, a notice of modification must be published to ensure that the changes made to the file are published in the register.
23. What is the "Situation des biens" (Location of property) section used for in the notice of sale?
It is used to identify the location of the property on a map.
- Sale by mutual agreement or by a call for tenders: since there is no place of sale, an address should be added to identify the location of the property. This will ensure that a search by place or by distance will produce a result.
- Sale by auction: in addition to the address of the place of sale (which is mandatory), the address where the property is located should be added, if different from the place of sale. A search of the register by place or by distance will then allow the location of the property to be identified. If no address is provided for the location of the property, the map will indicate the place of sale by default.
The message is displayed when the selected context for the sale is "exécution d’un jugement" (to execute a judgment"). For this kind of sale, the person in charge must be a bailiff in order to submit the notice (s. 742 C.C.P.).
To ensure that the new status of your sale appears in the register, you must click "Transmettre" (Submit) and complete all the stages up to publication.
Consultation of the register
When dates are entered under the headings "À partir du" (From) and "Jusqu’au" (To), the search will be based on the date of the sale (auction), the deadline for submitting a tender (sale by call for tenders) or the date of publication of the notice of sale (sale by agreement).
Nouveauté (New): notice published in the last 48 hours;
Effectuée (Completed): the sale has been completed and at least 1 item of property has been sold;
Non-vente (Non-sale): the sale has been completed and no property has been sold;
Suspendue (Stayed): the property is no longer for sale, and the notice of sale is suspended;
Supprimée (Deleted): the sale has been cancelled;
Périmée (Expired): the date of the auction is in the past.
Six months after the scheduled sale date or after the publication of a notice of completed sale or non-sale, the notices are removed from the register.
Favourites can be used to receive an electronic alert at the E-mail address recorded in a subscriber's account when new results match the subscriber's search criteria. They can also be used to carry out the same search repeatedly without having to enter all the criteria each time.
To receive E-mails after setting up a favourite, you must open a subscriber session, click "Gérer mes favoris" (Manage my favourites), select the favourite, click the pencil icon at top right and check the box "Alertez-moi quand il y a une nouvelle vente correspondant à cette recherche" (Contact me when a new sale matches this search). The bell in the list of favourites will change to dark green.